We have a winner!
Congratulations Leslie!
Only one catch, with the houseguests just gone, my scrappy stuff was packed away (so sad) so I need to recreate my scrappy space, get my new baby blue plugged in and his gauge set so I can recreate a congratulations card to have YOUR name on it, so give me about a week or so...or so... and I'll have something really PRETTY headed your way ;) I'm still so excited becasue I LOVE what I got in Bonaire for you! It's been so long, I am dying to create!!
Please email me privately with your snail mail address and just wait till you see what PRETTYness I have for you ;)
¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) Live with integrity.... -:¦:-
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ Create with passion!
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* -:¦:- NikkiNix
CONGRAT Leslie! Have fun with all the great goodies. And thanx again Nikki for the chance to win! Aloha, J:)